Category: Motbots Messages

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Motbots Messages

Robots at Work

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe we’re recently in need of making some changes to some pages on the website that we’re not working properly. Those specific pages were the pages for the OwlBot project. The code blocks on those pages for the Arduino code were giving us issues on how the pages were showing up in the browser, so […]

Dustin Hodges 
Motbots Messages

New Project Underway!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteNew project underway! This new project’s prototype phase is complete and all that’s left to do is to begin putting things together soon, and gathering all the media and written material to share here on the site and for our social media accounts. We will be sharing more details with you as the project progresses. […]

Dustin Hodges 
Motbots Messages

Work Is Being Done

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWelcome to Motbots! We are currently in the process of adding more content to this site and to all our social media pages – you can check out our Social links at the top of the page, if you’d like. Join our newsletter below, so that you can keep up-to-date on what’s going on at […]

Dustin Hodges