Motbots Messages
Dustin Hodges  

Robots at Work

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We we’re recently in need of making some changes to some pages on the website that we’re not working properly. Those specific pages were the pages for the OwlBot project. The code blocks on those pages for the Arduino code were giving us issues on how the pages were showing up in the browser, so we needed to make some minor adjustments. This caused the site to be down for a brief moment of time.

Everything is back up and running again, obviously, but there may still be a page or two that is acting finicky or still saying that it’s under construction. We are currently working out the kinks for this, but we ask that if you see anything that looks weird on the site or is not acting right, please contact us, so that we may fix any issues that there may be. We would greatly appreciate your help and do greatly appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you.

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