Month: 4 weeks ago

Learn Electronics

Multimeters in a Nutshell: What They Are, What They Can Do and How To Use Them

A multimeter is a testing device that measures electrical properties and provides readouts of values pertaining to the electrical property being measured. The multimeter is a tool used by hobbyists, by those in the electrical and electronics industry, and by people in other industries — where measurements of electrical properties such as voltage, current and […]

Dustin Hodges 
Robotics Projects

Robot Project: Scrubberbot

Project Name: Scrubberbot Project Description: Building a scouring pad cleaning robot. Project Difficulty: Easy-to-Moderate Project Warning: This project requires you to use a soldering iron. In this project, we’re going to make a battery powered scrubbing robot out of a scouring pad designed from a griddle cleaning kit I purchased online. This kind of project […]

Dustin Hodges